

info (at)

Basilica Santa Maria la Real, Covadonga


318 Responses to Contact

  1. Loué soit Jésus Christ Excellence,
    Moi +Pierre Marie MVONDO, Supérieur Supérieur de la Congrégation de
    Marie et des Saints Apôtres de Jésus, Missionnaires Franciscains
    Évêque de l’Église Catholique Succession Apostolique Romaine de
    Monseigneur Pierre Martin NGÖ DINH THUC venons auprès de vous
    solliciter la collaboration pour faire élargir l’œuvre de Dieu .

    En effet, je suis un jeune Évêque sacré le 01 Septembre 2013 au Gabon,
    après ce sacre je cherche réconcilier et à cheminer ensemble avec ce
    qui accepte d’être un dans le Christ.

    Je compte sur votre bonne compréhension.
    + Pierre Marie MVONDO au Cameroun

    • John says:

      I was so sad today about this great apostasy. A true mass was 3 hours away, so I watched it on video. Heartbroken. Then came across this site, and filled w some hope. I feel like a mouse not going to mass, but it is novos ordo desecration so I cannot

      • true latin-mass girl says:

        I understand your concern, but if you have an ordinary form mass you should attend to fulfill your obligation and take communion. If you go, kneel while receiving on the tongue, dress appropriately, and pray for the true conversion of souls, you may influence others for good. If holy men and women don’t attend we can’t be an example.

        • Rich says:

          Hello, when you say “ordinary” what do you mean? novus ordo?

        • Maria Chouinard says:

          Moderator I know that you are going to look at this and freak out. It doesn’t let me edit my comments once it puts it in there.

          Otherwise I would have edited it after I said it. Feel free to delete what I said and maybe I could think of a better way to say it. But it is true the church was infiltrated hundred. s of years ago all you have to do is read the book, The Plot Against the Church and you would know that. I am guessing that you do. One of these people on here told another parishioner they could just go to the novus ordo mass and get the sacraments. That is truly false it is a heresy and it is a mortal sin to receive those so-called sacraments which are invalid totally invalid. Jesus is not present in those things consecration isn’t even done the right way.

          I am wondering if you have ever read the 19 page article that Father Arthur W. Terminiello wrote about the ‘Illuminati in the Catholic Church.’

          I have it if you want to read it I got it from a traditional catholic friend.

          Our Lady of lasalette said Rome would lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. There were evil ones in the Vatican far longer than before Vatcan II.

          If there had been good Catholics who were strong they would have fought against all these changes that they made changes upon changes upon changes. I think you would find the article very interesting unless you’ve already seen it and read it. Please do not post this unless you want to, but I wanted to call attention to the article that I had already posted.

          Also wanted to say thank you so very much for sharing such beautiful true Catholic info, prayers and lives of the Saints, I have passed this on to 4 of my traditional catholic friends. One of them does not have internet.

          Thank you again for sharing so much beautiful information and prayers. I downloaded the trial of Jesus I never even knew it existed. Copyright 1883 anytime I see old copyrights I know they’re good. They started making changes in the early 1940s. They were already in there when Pope Leo XIII was in there. If you read his prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel he said they were present and a very heart and veins of the church. They were in there like a bunch of ticks.

          Again I thank you so much for this beautiful information.

      • Emily says:

        I need help with my path. Is there someway I can write to you privately?

  2. Michael says:

    Thank you for this site. You have put together an amazing resource for solid Catholic reading. I have spent hours going through everything on your site and I look forward to spending many more going through all these books. Thank you!

  3. Kevin Hanlon says:

    I am looking for a catechism to instruct my young grandchildren in the faith. I was reading a pamphlet published by a reputable publisher titled “Reminiscences of St. Anthony Mary Claret”. Accordingly, “On beginning a mission his first care was to gather the children and to teach them the catechism.” It goes on to say…”Father Claret not only wrote the catechism, but he also taught it….” Do you know if this catechism is available, and if so in English”? I would like to follow his manner and method in instructing my grandchildren.

  4. Peter Okafor says:

    I am a priest. Just saw your website, so great. Is it possible to subscribe me to your website to get updates

  5. Sharon Futterer says:

    Love your website. Thank you ever so much for all this beautiful Traditional Catholic material.

  6. karen bustillos says:

    I would like to read how to b a better Christian. Kids of only child. Grieving. Faith. Walk it not talk it . Etc.

  7. TFP says:

    A beginner is asking which sort of e-reader would be best or is compatible with the greatest number of catholic books in particular dealing with apostolic & church fathers, desert fathers, medieval writers and especially on mysticism.

    • Petra says:

      Many of these books come in the pdf format, therefore can be read on any device. The .mobi format can be read on the Kindle, which is probably the most popular e-reader.

  8. Peter Gribbin says:

    The black and white image on your homepage – the one at the very bottom of the row of paintings on the far right – is a work that Kevin Hanlon of Smyrna, GA has written to me asking who the artist might be. Could you provide me that information? Thanks Much,

  9. Louis says:

    Thank you for all of the hard work you have done. Kindly include me into your mailing list.
    In Maria,

  10. Mark says:

    Diary: Divine Mercy in my Soul by St Maria Faustina Kowalska is missing!

    • Maria Chouinard says:

      Divine Mercy is a heretical book. It was placed on the list of forbidden books long ago. The true Catholic church does not acknowledge it, and John Paul II took it off the list of forbidden books.

  11. pastor of our first perpetual adoration chapel asked St. Joseph’s Press to locate a print on St. Peter Julien Eymard.
    do you know where we can obtain a copy right free image
    of St. Peter Julien Eymard – a traditional image of him
    near the monstrance or holding it or near the most Blessed Sacrament. If there is no public domain prints, But there is one to purchase, we would be interested in that too.
    Thank you, Mrs. M. Shema

  12. ken wiese says:

    have you got any free prayer books you can send me catholic books free

    • T C says:

      Ken, there is now a section called ‘Prayer Books’ at the bottom of the ‘Free Catholic Books’ page. More prayer books will be added when time permits.

  13. enriqueta garcia says:

    Hola muy estimado en Nuestro Señor JESUCRISTO.

    Por gracia de DIOS, he dado con su sitio en internet y he podido bajar y guardar, varios libros hermosísimos, los cuales de otra manera, me hubiese sido imposible de obtener.
    Le doy las gracias y con mucho gusto pediré al Señor DIOS porque lo santifique cada vez más, y lo lleve a Su Santísimo Reino de los Cielos.

  14. sue says:

    You have so many books! Awesome!
    Do you happen to have an English translation of Don Bosco’s book for youth? Il Giovane provveduto?

  15. joseph says:

    the resources on this site, especially your library of links and catholic books is very rewarding for my spiritual growth. this site needs to stay, please advise how we can donate to it,

    • T C says:

      If it be God’s will for the site to stay, it will stay. In any case, a prayer would be much appreciated. As for donations, please give them to good traditional priests who are upholding, defending and teaching the true doctrine and trying to steer souls to heaven amidst the mass apostasy. They need our support. Thank you and God bless.

  16. Kristyn says:

    Hello, I am wondering if you know of a source which lists Bible references and which Mass they might be found in?
    Thank you! God bless you!

  17. Michael says:

    WONDERFUL Site………Thank you for all he work!

  18. Rose Mary says:

    What a great assortment of books-if only more were in the audio format!

  19. I just wanted to say thank you for all those books you made available on this website. I also hope that it is all right to copy your picture of the saints to include in my post on facebook for our church for all saints day. Keep up the awesome work you do for God!!! God Bless!!!

  20. joseph dwyer says:

    This is a truly amazing site and may God bless and reward you greatly for the charity shown here….I have included a link on my website

    Are these definitely all free?

    • T C says:

      Thank you. Yes, they can all be read or downloaded for free. (However, the responsibility is ultimately with the publishers who have uploaded or published the books on their websites, so depending on what you intend to do with the books – e.g. in case of any commercial activity – I’d recommend you double-check the status with the publisher. That being said, most of the books are very old and in public domain.)

  21. Elena says:

    Thank you very much!!! Great job!! My pray for you!!!

  22. I am the volunteer librarian for St. Mary Catholic Church in Delaware, OH, Adult Faith Formation. Your list is so comprehensive and what a welcome resource for our struggling first year initiative. Deo gracias!


  24. T C says:

    I’d like to ask everyone to kindly abstain from any debates (on theology, popes, the Church, etc) in their comments, as well as from posting anything that incites such debates. The purpose of this website is to offer an easy access to good and doctrinally sound Catholic books to anyone who wishes to read them. This site is for everyone, whether they be traditional Catholics, Novus Ordo, or non-Catholics, and irrespective of what position they hold about the post-Vatican II church and hierarchy. While each of us may have good (and sometimes theologically convincing) reasons to believe in one position or another, I think it is safe to say that nobody – except the good God – can know, with 100% certainty, what is the truth about the Conciliar Church and the post-Conciliar bishops of Rome. We will only know the truth about everything once we are in Heaven – but first we need to get there! That, and nothing else, is the aim of this website: to help souls (be it only in a very small way, by providing sound Catholic reading) live good Catholic lives and die in the grace of God.

    Therefore, I will not publish comments that would make this site descend into any debates, divisions, accusations, etc – if that is your aim, there are (sadly) already plenty of other websites where you can do so. Consequently, comments that try to promote (or dismiss) one position or another will also be left unpublished – for the reason cited above – even if they may have some merit. If your recent comment has not been published or has been deleted, this was the reason.
    Catholics need to treat each other in charity, and help each other where possible; infighting will not help us save souls (neither our own nor those of others). Thank you for your understanding. God bless.

  25. Doug says:

    How does one get the Kindle
    format to work in Kindle for the Windows 8.0 version?

    • T C says:

      To put the books onto your Kindle you can simply download the .mobi format of the book to your PC (.mobi is the standard “kindle format”, though a Kindle can also read .pdf, .doc, and some other formats) and then transfer or email it to your Kindle. I am not familiar with Kindle for Windows 8, but assume that it can be synchronized with your Kindle library. Sorry I can’t help more… probably best to read the instructions of your Kindle for Windows 8 app. 🙂

  26. maureen says:

    i have a load of catholic literature books, stories of the saints, mass books and pamphlets. Is there anyone who can make use of these books.

    • T C says:

      Maureen, thank yo for your kind offer. It would help if you could post a list of the books (or if you prefer you can send it by email to info (at) Thank you and God bless.

  27. Mark says:

    I am writing from the England UK …how can I read the writings in English ? some are in English but other not when I click on them…you have THE most amazing website please let me access all your great works

    May God bless you

    • T C says:

      Mark, not quite sure what you mean… all the links lead to english-language books (at least on my computer). Except on the one page that is specifically for spanish-language ones, of course. Can you please provide an example so that I can look into it? God bless.

  28. BLMartinez says:

    Hello. This is such a great site with so much for all of us to read and learn from. We are all Blessed to have much to reach about God, The Church, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and so many other issues. God Bless

  29. Boo says:

    I’ve heard it said that if you help save a soul your own is thereby saved. I suspect that God Who cannot be outdone in generosity has a special reward for those who supply treasures like these books to help us!
    May each good thing we find therein find its home in your soul. Thank you so much!!

  30. Ricardo Sanchez says:

    Por favor,

    Arreglar link Conformidad con la Voluntad de Dios (S. Alfonso María de Ligorio) – pdf

    Muchas gracias.

  31. Gonzalo says:

    hola! necesitaría: Manual de Dogmática de Theodor Schneider (o por lo menos la Cristología de Hans Kessler)… sería posible?! muchas gracias!

  32. ángel manuel sáenz simó says:

    ¡buenas noches!, mi nombre es ángel…

    estoy buscando un libro del padre gabriel de santa maría magdalena llamado “el camino de la oración”…

    agradecería cualquier orientación para su localización (si es el libro físico mejor)…

    muchas gracias

    un saludo cordial

    …todo bajo el cielo…

  33. María says:

    Muchísimas gracias por todos estos maravillosos libros que son una grandiosa joya para la vida de un cristiano. Mis más sinceras felicitaciones. María. Cuente con mis oraciones por su persona.

  34. Can I use Prayers out of these Books to compile a prayer book to have printed, and it will be -0 prophite Also can OI get E-mail when new books are posted to this web site ????

    • T C says:

      I don’t see why you couldn’t use prayers from these old prayer books (which contain prayers Catholics have always prayed, and which – the prayer books, I mean – come with an imprimatur) to compile your own prayer book.
      As for emailing you when new books are added: I could certainly do that; however, books are usually added at least once a week – are you sure you want to get an email every time? Will wait for your confirmation. God bless.

  35. I have just recommended your site to my LOVE CRUCIFIED COVENANT COMMUNITY. See our site here:
    Also, we have just published SIMPLE PATH TO UNION WITH GOD [formation for book for Christ’s martyrs of love], and the pdf file is available free to those interested:

  36. Kevin Hanlon says:

    Please help me identify the artwork on the sidebar of the home page. It’s the black and white titled Santa Missa e1377670194340. Showing the angel holding the chalice. I would like to obtain a copy of the original suitable for framing…

    • T C says:

      Kevin, unfortunately I do not know. (My guess would be it comes from an old book or holy card… or priestly ordination card or some such – but that’s just a guess.)

  37. David hayward says:

    wonderful site but he’s the but trying to find some thing is difficult no search box God Bless

    • T C says:

      There is a search box (at the top of the right column)…the problem is that the search only shows you whether the title is on the list or not, but then you still need to scroll down the long list of titles to look for it. I’ve tried a number of different plugins (for search boxes) and all result in the same: they do not show the specific link to the searched for title but only the link to the main page listing all the books. If anyone knows how to fix this (or what plugin to use), kindly contact me at info (at) Thank you. God bless.

  38. David Porter says:

    On your free books page, there is a link to a pdf called “The Great Apostasy”. The file is hosted at a site . The pdf does not say who the author his. The site seems to be set up for this book, but I can’t find any information there either. I was wondering if you know who wrote this book. I think it’s a wonderful book, and I’d like to know more about the author, and hopefully read more of his work. I also have a few questions for him. I’m asking you because you’re the only place on the internet that links to this book, so I’m hoping you might know something.

    • T C says:

      I’m afraid I don’t know anything about the author. Have linked to the book because it seemed worth reading. Perhaps you can contact the author by submitting a comment on that site. God bless.

  39. E. Richardson says:

    To Whom It May Concern:

    When I clicked on “Fatima — in Lucia’s Own Words” pdf, Error 403 from was received.

    Can someone help me with this?


  40. E. Richardson says:

    Thank you so very much! God Bless you!

    Do you have a link for Autobiography of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque – pdf, also?

    The same error message 403 is received.

    Thank you, again.

    • T C says:

      Unfortunately I can’t find it anywhere else (except on However, there are eight different biographies of St. Margaret Mary on the list, written by various priests and religious. God bless.

  41. Sr. Catherine says:

    Do you have any material on St. Faustina and Divine Mercy?

  42. Mara Persic says:

    The Diary of St. Faustina is not in the public domain. The rights to it are held by her Order. You may be violating copyright law by sharing these bootleg files.

    Also, many of the links on your free materials page are to unauthorized editions of titles hels in copyright by their authors, religious orders and publishers.

    Sharing bootleg copies essentially robs Religious Orders of and essential means of support.

    Please contact me at to discuss this matter.

    • T C says:

      The Diary is on listed as being in the public domain: (Public Domain Mark 1.0: “This work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights.”)

      As you can see we do not ever upload any title but merely post links to titles already available on mainstream sites such as and similar. Therefore, if removes the link (which they would undoubtedly do if indeed any copyright had been breached), it will of course also disappear from this site.

      We are sacrificing our own free time to gather links to already publicly available Catholic material for the help of the faithful, many of whom live in countries where these books are not available for purchase. We do not have ANY financial benefit from this work whatsoever – on the contrary, it costs us a considerable amount of time as well as money. It is done with only one objective – to help save souls.

      It is frankly disappointing that a self-proclaimed traditional Catholic book seller would want to prevent people from having access to good Catholic reading material – especially in these times when the vast majority of “Catholic” books are more likely to lead souls to confusion, heresy and hell. (Furthermore, most people who are able to still prefer to purchase a physical book rather than read a pdf, so this is certainly no threat to your business.)

      Once again, the links posted here are from well known websites such as, google books, etc, which list works in the public domain or with a licence. We have no way to verify this for each single book – therefore, if you claim the Diary of St. Faustina (and/or any other work) is published/uploaded by in breach of copyright, kindly contact We will of course remove any title that (or any other publisher we link to) takes down or acknowledges as having breached copyright.

      For the sake of transparency all messages you shall send (and all replies) will be published here in these comments.

      God bless.

  43. Luis Arata says:

    Textos sobre la Doctrina Católica
    Repositorio digital (272 archivos PDF):!u0A1DTQK!T3rJm5vnTrcN-65Rv8Yslw
    Sagradas Escrituras: Biblias comentadas
    Magisterio de la Iglesia.
    Obras de los Padres de la Iglesia.
    Escritos de los Padres Apostólicos.
    Escritos de los Padres del Desierto.
    Teología y Liturgia.

  44. Luis Arata says:

    shared please

  45. Augustine says:

    Pls i have been searching the web for a PDF file or book on the life of st Philip benizi pls can anyone send me a link or a site where I can download it .google books does not have it

  46. Father Kevin. says:

    Thank you very much indeed for this great gift. Is there an index or search button? I am looking for “Let yourself be loved” by St Elizabeth of the Trinity.

    God bless,

    Father Kevin

  47. William Rodríguez says:

    Hola. Necesito el libro de Villá sobre la Masonería y la Iglesia Católica en pdf

  48. macarena estevez says:

    muchas gracias por estar al servicio del projimo!! Dios lo bendiga y la virgen lo acompañe simpre !! cuente con mi oracion .muchas gracias otra vez.

  49. Hugh Nicol says:

    Your website is very nice. You have many excellent books.

    I wonder whether you could include Father Robert Persons’ 16th century classic, ‘Christian Directory’, please?

  50. Brenda Walsh says:

    Thank you so much for making available to us poor souls such a wonderful feast of good and holy materials! Every book I wanted to read and every saint I wanted to meet is on your lists and then some. I actually cried when I read some titles as I never thought in my area and with a low income such books would ever be available to me. God bless you! And I have said prayers for your sanctification as your request & your site will help with mine♡Glory to the sacred hearts of JMJ

  51. mary tim crowley says:

    just wonder how to get a book onto your list i have a book by fr alexis lepicier the lily of israel that has a month of meditations of st joseph it is missing one page but otherwise in tact we read it each day of march but it is ancient and tends to crumble. now that there are no longer tape recorders i dont know how to get it uploaded to use a modern phrase.

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment. In order to upload any book you’d first have to get it scanned. Most print shops should be able to do that for you. The resulting pdf file can then be uploaded online (assuming the book is not under copyright). God bless.

  52. T C says:

    Thank you very much for your prayers and comment! God bless.

  53. Niamh says:

    Hi there,
    Thank you so much for providing free access to this inspirational catholic material. May God reward you.
    Could you please advise who wrote “Suffering Sanctified”? It is full of such great wisdom. Do you know where I could access a pdf of it?
    Many thanks for your work and your assistance.
    God bless,

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your kind comment. I’m afraid I don’t know who wrote it. Unless the author is anonymous, you may be able to get that information from where the work has been published. They might also have a pdf version. God bless.

  54. Robert heath says:

    Please send a book on Jesus Robert heath 2335 crooks st Ashland KY 41101

  55. Mary Ellen Martin says:

    Good evening ,
    I am looking for Spanish version of Un appel a L’aMOUR. I believe it is the Spanish version of the English version of The Way of Divine Love by Sister Josefa Menendez. THis is the first I have seen of your website. Thank you for being there for us. Any information or help would be appreciated.

  56. John Raymond says:

    What Missal should I use…62 was warmup to novos ordo. I think 47? is 47 the one to use?
    Do you have such? where could I get.

    I am so beaten down. I want to be a good father, but the Novos Ordo, it is a shame and I have abandoned it.
    I read St Pius X catechism to them…but my family thinks I am crazy. I tell them they are not in union with the saints and Popes(since J 23)

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment. Your choice of a Missal would generally depend on what your priests use (most traditional priests, incl. the SSPX, use the 1962 rubrics). That said, you wouldn’t find it much of an issue to use an older Missal as the changes were still relatively minor; and if you wish to use the Missal for your daily reading at home, I’d certainly recommend you to pick a pre-1955 one. (The 1962 Missal includes the changes of John XXIII and Pius XII, which is where the early seeds of the destruction of the Catholic Mass had been planted. In the mid 1950s, under Pius XII, the Holy Week liturgy was modified – any pre-1955 Missal will have the original, ancient Holy Week rites.)

      You can download various Missals from our site (, section “Traditional Liturgy”). For instance, the well known Fr. Lasance Missal:

      You can also buy the physical version of various pre-1955 Missals online. For instance the famous St. Andrew Missal from 1945 (; or the 1945 Fr. Lasance Missal ( Used copies can often be found very cheaply at ebay or

      As for the second part of your comment: Don’t despair. If you can get to a traditional Mass, do so as often as possible (even if it requires sacrifices). You are already doing the right thing with your children – it’s important to pass the true Faith on to them, and teach them proper Catholic doctrine. You can also read them the lives of the Saints and other (age appropriate) Catholic books. As for the family members who disapprove or mock you, all you can ultimately do is pray for them. In our times many good Catholics who are clinging to the Faith are having to bear all sorts of persecutions, ridicule, insults, etc, often from their own families. The most important thing is to persevere until the very end. Our Lord will greatly reward all the sacrifices you’ve made for His sake while trying to preserve your Faith (and pass it on to your children, so that they too may save their souls). And by offering Him everything you are made to go through, you could help convert your family as well (even though that might require years of resigned suffering on your part). Trust in the good God, and do all that you can (He doesn’t ask anything impossible). God bless you.

  57. Nandarani says:

    The Mystical City of God Audio Files website does not clearly explain how to download. Instructions say to click ‘on the download symbol at the left.’ Which symbol is to be clicked upon. Have tried the m all – several languages and scripts. Here is website:

    • T C says:

      You can listen to them online. Not sure if/how they can be downloaded. Perhaps you can contact their website and ask them directly. God bless.

      • Nandarani~Nancy says:

        Thank you. Couldn’t at the time was working on this see a way to contact the website but after Ann Boulais’ work stops – she is working on The Mystical City of God audio version, will be ok reading. If commenter below me asking about listening at work would ever want mp3 have found rosary and other prayers on which is not a strictly traditional site but which has 3 decade versions of the rosary and other prayers in Latin and in English.

  58. Stephen Rouse says:

    I’m looking for strictly traditional language catholic prayers (rosary, and others) on audio, mp3 …something I can listen to at work.

  59. Nandarani~Nancy says:

    **The Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries

    Probably best not to print at all ;D but that site does have something to offer. Thank you for patience; found what was looking for this morning.

  60. Alejandra Ramírez says:

    Buen dia!
    Desde hace tiempo he buscado el libro de san Alfonso María de Ligorio llamado “La monja Santa” o “La verdadera Esposa de Jesucristo” y no lo encuentro… ¿podría hacerme el gran favor de ayudarme a encontrarlo?

  61. Alfred says:

    Prayer Request:

    Please pray for Eric McDonald-Please pray for his conversion and for the salvation of his soul.Pray that Christ The King will have mercy upon him and save him.May Jesus in his compassion guide Eric McDonald to the pathways of salvation!

    “O Mary, Mother of Mercy, have mercy upon Eric McDonald.Please look upon him with compassion and pity.Please reveal your Motherly Love to Eric. Please bring Eric to Jesus. Pray to Jesus for Eric-plead the Precious Blood of Jesus over Eric’s soul.May this Holy Blood heal and renew his soul.
    Please pray for Eric’s conversion and salvation.
    May Eric have all the grace that he needs in time and eternity in the name of Jesus Christ…Amen!!!”

  62. Fred Mallaire says:

    Dear Traditional Catholic book: I have a book uploaded to my desk top that is no longer in print – that I been able thus far to ascertain that is the book’s status –that I would like to upload to you. The tittle: ‘The Great Flaming Furnace of the Sacred Heart’ please give me the method to send it to you folks: i have it in word and PDF. I wished you to look at it and see if you wish to add it to this fantastic website

  63. Fred Mallaire says:

    Dear Traditional Catholic books Awhile back I sent you a type out version which I did on the Book ‘The Great Flaming Furnace of the Sacred Heart’, unfortunately I had sprinkled the type out version with typos. I am in the process of uploading to my desk top the book via scanning the pages of the book. If you would like me to send you the scanned PDF pages please let me know.
    Sincerely, Fred Mallaire
    Thank-you, and Our Lady protect your good work of keeping these fantastic books alive

  64. María del Verbo Encarnado says:

    Pax Christi!
    Ante todo deseo agradecerle y felicitarlo por este sitio web, es magnífico!
    Mi nombre es María del Verbo Encarnado, soy una religiosa contemplativa del Monasterio de la Preciosísima Sangre (en Brooklyn, NY)
    Buscando material, porque estamos completando y re-estruturando nuestra biblioteca, providencialmente encontré este sitio. Nos ha sido de enorme utilidad!
    Tengo una pregunta,he visto libros muy buenos on-line pero como monjas contemplativas, el tiempo para usar internet es muy limitado, además justo uno de los libros que me interesa no está disponible, podríamos tener acceso a los libros on-line de otra forma?
    Me interesan particularmente dos: “La acción del Espíritu Santo en las almas” de A. Riaud y “El Espíritu Santo” de Mons. Martínez.
    Desde ya le agradezco cualquier ayuda que pueda darnos, y sinceramente cuente con nuestras oraciones.
    Dios le bendiga abundantemente
    Hna. María del Verbo Encarnado

  65. Terry McD says:

    Thank you for this wonderful website and making so many good Catholic books available to us.

    Greatly appreciated,

    I have said a prayer for your sanctification.


  66. Carmen says:

    Cómo poder contactar con el P.Ángel PEÑA

  67. David R Russell says:

    Can you add: The Secrets of Purgatory: Reminiscences of a Soul in Purgatory? It would be a wonderful addition. Thanks for all you have done for souls!

  68. Cynthia Feldman says:

    is there a way to find your books in alphabetical order….rather than combing through all the wonderful entries. Thank you so much!

  69. lilia maldonado says:

    hola, antes que nada gracias por darte la tarea de recopilar esas joyas de libros. quisiera pedirte si podra encontrar 2 libros: “Horas de luz” (meditaciones para todo el año) autor: Saturnino Oses y el libro “Vida de intimidad con la Santisima Virgen” autor P.J.M. de Lombaerde… de antemano gracias

  70. Fr Peter says:

    I really want to say a big thank you for this wonderful site. reading from this site has been a very wonderful and enriching experience for me. However, I noticed that – Fundamentals of catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott – has been pulled down. is there any reason for that? I really miss it

  71. ROBERT E HEATH says:

    Please send book about jesus 2335 crooks st ashland ky 41101

  72. Donna Luter says:

    I am looking for some information on my 4th great uncle, Father Samuel Mazzuchelli whom i believe was baptised there around 1806. I am looking for the names of his parents and sibling. If there are any records I would surely appreciate it. Thanks so much Donna Luter

    • T C says:

      I’m afraid we have no way to help with such a thing. God bless.

    • Linda Schoenmann says:

      I just saw your post today. I’m a huge fan of Venerable Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli! His cause for canonization is open in my Diocese of Madison Wisconsin USA. He was born Nov. 4, 1806 in Milan, Italy and was baptized the same day. His parents were Luigi and Rachelle Merlini Mazzuchelli. His siblings were Angela Antonia Carlina, Carlo Giovanni, Giuseppe Filippo Fernidando, Maria Teresa, Gaetano, Gaetana Giuseppa, Maria Carlina, Rosa, Giuseppa Domenica, Giulio Angelo, Angelo Francesco, Giuseppa, Maria Domenica, Carlo, and Maria Antonia Rachelle. You can find a lot of information about him online and several books have been written about him. I’ve given many tours of his sites and have been interviewed about him on Relevant Radio on the Drew Mariani Show, the most popular Catholic radio program in the USA. I’ve compiled lots of information about him which I can email you if desired. Your 4X great-uncle Fr. Samuel was amazing! You should be very proud of him! Fr. Mazzuchelli, please pray for us!

  73. Tara K. Torme says:

    How do I get the books by mail?

    I would like to get the free books – including the Latin prayers.

    • T C says:

      All these books are in electronic format and can be downloaded by clicking on the respective link. If you mean physical (printed) books, you’d need to purchase them from book stores. God bless.

  74. Maria says:

    Hello, I am looking for the pdf version of “Three rebel religious” *(Raymond) I dont know if anybody could find it for me.

    Also “The man who got even with God” also Raymond on pdf

    thank you so much for all your work

  75. Adela Santa Cruz Duran says:

    Buenas tardes, gracias por todo este trabajo.
    Estoy buscando NOSOTROS HIJOS DE DIOS, de Joseph Lucas,(Titulo alemán: Wir Kinder Gottes,1955) he leído la 3ª edición castellana, 1973; me gustaría, si es posible encontrar el formato electrónico.

  76. Sujeil says:

    gracias por este maravilloso servicio para las almas, hijos de Dios.

    necesito encontrar el libro “Teología de perfección” Marin,Dominico.

    Sujeil de Jesús

  77. Hasanthi Jayamaha says:

    I loooooooooooove your site.
    So many amazing resources…
    Thank you thank you thank you..

    This is like a massive treasure.

    May the Lord bless you more than you can ever imagine!

  78. agustina says:

    Muchisismas gracias por la recopilacion de libros, es de mucha utilidad.
    Me gustaria leer algo bueno sobre el apocalipsis, alguna recomendacion?
    Que Dios lo Bendiga!
    y muchisimas gracias otra vez

  79. Nandarani says:

    The Holy Man of Tours is here – the Life of Leon Papin Dupont; my heart is glad – am much appreciating The Golden Arrow, Sr. Mary of St. Peter’s autobiography and associated material in hard copy, and the biography of Sr. Mary of St. Peter, which is available online in the exact same way as this book just found, as copy of library copy in pdf form. Leon Dupont and sister knew each other. Both lived relatively close to our times. Merci beaucoup.

  80. Cecilia Chai says:

    Hello from Malaysia! Do you have Abbe Daniel Le Roux’s booklet entitled “Peter, Lovest Thou Me” in ebook format?

  81. Carolina Outeiriño says:

    Hola! Estoy buscando el libro “ Maria y la Santa Misa” de Vandeur. Gracias

    • T C says:

      Lo siento pero no parece haber ningún libro con este título. Asumiendo que se refiere a Eugene Vandeur, tiene unos libros sobre la Misa (en Frances y Ingles) pero ninguno sobre María y la Misa. Tal vez pueda verificar el título? Dios la bendiga.

  82. Muy Srs. nuestros:
    Ya en fechas 11.09.16, 26.09.16 y 07.10.17 cuando iniciábamos nuestros trabajos nos dirigimos a Uds. en solicitud para que nos autorizaran la difusión de los títulos que figuran en “Libros Católicos Gratis en Español”, no habiendo recibido respuesta alguna en ninguno de los casos.
    Ahora que estamos culminando los trabajos que permitirán el lanzamiento definitivo de la web/app a cuyo contenido podrán ya acceder, para su ponderación. Nuevamente nos dirigimos a Uds. con análoga pretensión, pensando por la falta de contestación en cualquier sentido, que quizás nuestra intención no llego a sus manos.
    Como en todos los casos de cesión de derechos de difusión, en cada ejemplar se indica autor y entidad que nos los cede. De desearlo también incluiríamos su razón en el apartado de colaboradores.
    Les recordamos que nuestro sistema de lectura no permite al usuario la descarga de los contenidos. El uso de Catolia es gratuito.
    En la confianza de poder contar con su colaboración y de ser posible facilidad de acceso a los oportunos ficheros digitales en formatos docx, pdf o htlm, aunque en su defecto procederíamos a extraerlos de la red, junto con nuestra gratitud reciban nuestros mejores saludos.
    César de la Prida
    Coordinador General

    • T C says:

      César, los que usted dice no corresponde a la verdad en absoluto. Le respondí (por email) tanto el día 27 de septiembre cómo el 8 de octubre 2017. De hecho usted respondió el mismo día 8 agradeciendo mi email y respuesta. Su acusación es falsa y muy poco profesional.

  83. Christine McHugh says:

    Hello, I would like to know if the book I will list below is available online or in ebook format:
    “Catholic Book of Knowledge” Catholic Life and Teaching: Tradition, Doctrine, Church History
    This is a 3 volume set.
    Copyright 1967, 1963
    Virtue & Company Ltd., 53, Cannon St, London, E.C. 4, England.
    Contributors: Peter Crabbe, Mabel Quin.
    Editor: Reverend Leonard Boase, S.J.
    Assistant Editor: Mabel Quin
    Catholic Home Press, 2826 Edgewater Drive, Orlando, FL

  84. YASEL says:

    deseo que se me envíe correspondencia gratis y folletos por correo,vivo en Cuba,en la provincia Guanánamo,calle 6Norte entre Ahogados y el 1OesteNO.903

  85. Mary C says:

    Manna from heaven for us poor starving Catholics!
    Bless you a thousandfold. You have followed Saint Mother Theresa’s advice and “Made something beautiful for God” —-and those of us who love Him so are the beneficiaries.

  86. I am delighted to find your web site. It is like a treasure chest.

    Perhaps I am lazy, but I think it would be useful to have the books alphabetized by author since most of us read through authors.

    I tried searching for Romano Guardini, but nothing came up (at least not anything that was easily accessed.

  87. ida Mapua says:

    Hi Sir

    St. Alfonsus de Liguori is my favorite author and I was overwhelmed with the all the books he wrote especially Glories of Mary.

    I also love Sinners Guide by Ven. Louis de Granada.

    I cant thank you enough so showing all these treasures here on your site.

    Pls email me your name so our group can pray for you and God bless you.

  88. Joel says:

    Do you guys have a digital copy of the book: “The Imitation of Mary” by Thomas a Kempis?

    Would make me very happy!

  89. E. Mary Christiee says:

    Thank you for your beautifully inspiring website.
    As an author of Traditional Catholic books for both adults and children, I am wondering if you consider manuscripts for publication? I would feel truly blessed if you were to consider some of my as-yet unpublished books for publication.
    Rafka Press have published some of my books ( with more in their publishing queue, and Angelus Press published my “Prophetic Messages for Our Times” ( with a number of manuscripts currently under review, but as the number of my manuscripts keeps growing, I am anxious to find yet a further Traditional Catholic publisher.
    God bless you and thank you for your time and patience. I look forward to hearing from you at your kind convenience.
    In Jesu et Maria,
    Ellie Christie (Mrs)
    Author’s name: E. Mary Christie

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment and prayers. I’m afraid we don’t publish any books. This website simply lists the links to books already published online and available for free download. God bless you.

  90. lilia maldonado says:

    Dios le bendiga por compartir…
    Tendrá de casualidad Rutas de espiritualidad del Abad Gastón Courtois? Gracias de antemano…

  91. Ray says:


    thanks for the work you put in to making this comprehensive list.
    I was curious, where did you get these files? Did you scan the books yourself?

    Thank you,
    Pax Christi

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment. We’ve simply listed the links to books available (in electronic format) on various websites. Therefore you’d have to direct that question to the specific site that published whichever book you’re interested it. God bless.

  92. Marisa P says:

    Hello. Thank you for this amazing site! It’s probably under my nose, but I’m not seeing the search function. Is there a way to do a search on the list?
    God bless, Marisa

  93. Ellie Christie (E. Mary Christie) says:

    I love your website, thank you for this great blessing!
    As an established Traditional Catholic author, I am wondering if you publish books? I have a new manuscript on the Twelve Apostles – a tour of the Holy Gospels giving identity to each of these courageous saints, following their individual presence in the life of Christ ― to include a brief historical account of what happened to each of them thereafter. Would this be of interest to you, and indeed to any of your viewers? In Jesu et Maria.

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment. I’m afraid we don’t publish any books; this site simply gathers the links to books already freely available online. God bless.

  94. Michael Rasmussen says:

    My name is Mike, and I heard about St Philomena, and I am realy moved by her. I have a feeling that I must promote her, for the stregthening of Faith, for which she was martyred for. I was wondering if you have any books for sale or devotional material , such as the book The Life and Miracles of St Philomena, Virgin and Martyr. Thank You, Mike

  95. Enrique Miranda Larraguibel says:

    Antes que nada gracias por este sitio que alimenta el alma, los libros de San Pío V, como la de su vida del autor Dyson o el de “Padre de la cristiandad” están en inglés, habrá alguno de éstos en español?.
    Dios les bendiga.

  96. don b says:

    I am in search of two books…
    Family Lives of the Saints Volume 1 and 3 by Mario L. Dittami O. Carm.
    I have Vol. 2.
    Any help finding where I could purchase them would be greatly appreciated!

    • T C says:

      I’m afraid I wasn’t able to find them; only volume 2 is available. The stores that did have them listed say vol. 1 and 3 are unavailable. There was an Ebay listing but it’s already been sold. Your best bet might be checking Ebay or from time to time. God bless.

  97. Barton says:

    Hi – I’m a software developer (retired) and wanting to do a Catholic based mobile app. I found this website and thought it would be a great source of data for an app. Do you provide any API access to the data? Do you have any way I can access the data other then via the web site? Please communicate w/ me privately with my email. Many thanks…

  98. Ariel Calandra says:

    Hola, me llamo Ariel y estoy buscando un libro de Monseñor Fulton Sheen, titulado “El sacerdote no se pertenece”.
    Tengo la versión original en inglés, pero quería conseguirlo para un sacerdote amigo.
    Espero que me puedan ayudar.
    Muchas gracias.

    • T C says:

      Gracias por su comentario. Lo siento pero no lo encuentro (en Español) no sólo en el formato electrónico sino tanpoco el libro físico. Dios lo bendiga.

  99. Brenda W. says:

    How does one search for particular book. I do not see search. Thank you. God bless

    • T C says:

      The search box is on top of the right-hand column. If you can’t find the book you’re looking for, you can write the title and author’s name here in the comments. God bless.

  100. Darío says:

    Hola ! El Problema del Dolor (C. S. Lewis) – pdf NO EXISTE LA PÁGINA



  101. Joann Williams says:

    I have been looking for the book The Love of the Crucified: 100 Meditations on the Passion of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by Rev. Karl Clemens. The hard copy is not to be found. Any suggestions?

    • T C says:

      I’m afraid I haven’t been able to find it either. There is no electronic version available, and the paper book is out of print. You may want to occasionally check for it at (they list second hand books from hundreds of stores). God bless.

  102. Robert E Heath says:

    Please send prayer booklet 2335 crooks st ashland ky 41101

  103. Consuelo says:

    Buenos días. He estado buscando el libro de los ejercicios de Santa Gertrudis de Helfta. No lo he podido encontrar en formato pdf. Lo tendría usted. Gracias

  104. Olivier says:


    It seems you’re using on your website pictures that are not allowed, because they are mine.

    To be sure, I would like to talk friendly about that with you first by phone.

    Please can you call me back quickly ? My number +33899256968

    Thanks !


    • T C says:

      The only images we’ve ever used were those widely available online with no mention of authorship or copyright, therefore your message is rather surprising. If you own the copyright to any of the images kindly send us the relevant information and the image will be promptly removed.

  105. Ron says:

    Good afternoon,

    I was hoping that you could update this list with a section of books that are fiction and yet based on Orthodox Catholic theology and themes.

    Books such as Lord of the Rings, Quo Vadis, The Greatest Story Ever Told, Flannery O Connor’s Wise Blood and The Violent Bear it Away, and various others. Any suggestions would be greatly helpful.

  106. Young says:

    What is the name and location of the beautiful church shown above? Thank you

  107. Aesica says:

    Can you add the book, The house of the virgin mary by Godfrey Phillip

  108. Jean says:

    Hi! I am trying to find a book called Sacred Heart Prayer Book…it has been around for some time (before 1992) and was in a blue cover….it talks about iut not only the devotion to the sacred heart but also has God’s revelations to multiple saints about His love. All i can find right now is a recent book with the same name and missing the quotes etc. i saw it once on ewtn with Mother Angelica. Any info is appreciated! Thank you!

    • T C says:

      I’m afraid I don’t know which version that may be. Searching for “Sacred Heart prayer book” in Google, there are at least 5 different prayer books with such title, sold by various websites. Perhaps one of those is a new edition of the book you’re looking for? I’ve not been able to find a free electronic version. God bless.

  109. Raudel says:

    con quien puedo ver para subir un libro que tengo, y no esta en el listado, es el de Kempis

  110. Joby George says:

    Amazed to see these collection of holy books available for reading…This is sure charity!

    I pray 3 Hail Marys for you now dear brother/sister in Christ Jesus…. Stay Blessed.

    To read more about the love of our Blessed Mother towards Her children, you may visit

  111. Diana Moreno says:

    soy estudiante de teologia con pocas posibilidades de comprar libros y estoy buscando en la web los siguientes autores para leerlos en digital:
    Fisichella, Rino, Introducción a la Teología Fundamental, Verbo Divino, Colección Introducción al Estudio de la Teología 4, Navarra 2000.
    Gustavo Gutiérrez, Teología de la Liberación. Perspectivas, Sígueme, Colección Verdad e Imagen 120, Salamanca 1999.
    Latourelle René, Teología de la Revelación, Sígueme, Colección Verdad e Imagen 49, Salamanca 1979.
    Rosino Gibellini, La Teología del siglo XX, Sal Térrea, Col. Presencia Teológica, Santander 1998. Rovira Belloso, José María, Introducción a la Teología, BAC, Colección Sapientia Fidei 14, Serie de Manuales de Teología, Madrid 1996. Vilanova Evangelista, Para comprender la Teología, Stella, 1992
    pueden ayudarme con algunos de ellos? o todos?

  112. Marcelo says:

    Hola,estuve buscando un libro sobre la beata Sandra Sabattini,il diario di Sandra.No se si fue traducida al español.Alguien me puede dar informacion.Gracias

  113. Luis Hernandez says:

    Is there any way to make a donation to this website?
    This is a heavenly treasure!
    In Jesus & Mary!

  114. Diana María says:

    Dios te bendiga por esta página. Gracias a ella, tenemos esperanza.
    ¿En qué país estás?

  115. William Chaves says:

    Hola muy buenos dias, me cuesta buscar los libros en la pestaña de busqueda, existe alguna forma que se deba de hacer, pues busco el libro y no la palabra, con lo indicas en la reseña.
    Saludos y bendiciones, me parece una gran esfuerzo, Dios los bendiga y oraremos por ustedes

    • T C says:

      Gracias por su comentario y oraciones. Puede poner la palabra clave del título del libro (o el apellido del autor) en la búsqueda o, si prefiere, el título exacto puesto entre comillas. Dios lo bendiga.

  116. juancarlos tamidonoso says:


    • T C says:

      Gracias por su comentario. Lo siento pero no encuentro el libo en formato electrónico gratuito. En Google Books se puede ver el texto parcial (faltando muchas páginas). Dios lo bendiga.

  117. José Manuel López del Águila says:

    Buenas tarde, me llamo José Manuel,
    mi hermana María Luisa me enseño esta pag. Web y estoy muy agradecido por toda la info q proporciona.
    Estoy buscando la biografía de S. Ireneo y sus obras en pdf. y no he encontrado nada.
    Si pudiera ayudarme…se lo agradezco en el día de la Misericordia.
    Cuente con mi agradecimiento y oraciones.

    Un cordial salud

  118. gail govan says:

    I am looking for The Mass of St. Pius V by Father Bernard Marie de Chivre, O.P.

  119. Julie says:

    Hello, Could you please tell me the source for the short biography you posted on Saint Pius V?

  120. A. Garcia says:

    Los links que tiene publicados a estos 2 audiolibros están rotos, le comparto estos que recién subieron:

    Carta abierta a los católicos perplejos:

    Le Destronaron:

    Dios bendiga su trabajo.

  121. Felipe says:

    Hi, my name’s Felipe and I would like to know if you have the Diary of Saint Veronica Giuliani. If yes, please, send to me, it’s very important.



  122. May our Blessed Mother Mary reward you all who are contributing immensely for the arrangement of this work of priceless spiritual good to users.

    please i have a book titled “The Science of the Saints”, but i only have the first volume that covers January to April, please can you send me a pdf link of the other volumes.

    Thanks and God Bless

  123. Neil McKay says:

    Dear Friends,
    The link for Life Everlasting (Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange) doesn’t bring up the book- could you please let me know if there is another link.

  124. Clint says:

    Hello trying to find .
    Three to get Married by Fulton J Sheen
    Please help or let me know if you have it.
    God bless

  125. Linda Wason says:

    I have a question. I have a text (in PDF) version of an 11 hour lecture given by Mr. Guido DelRose, former custodian of the U.S. National Pilgrim Virgin Statue, entitled: “Fatima & The Last Times Apostasy” He studied Fatima extensively and was considered internationally known regarding his knowledge on Fatima. Could the text version of this talk be made available on this site?

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment. IF the lecture is truly Catholic (i.e. conforming to traditional Catholic teaching, not modernist one) and you have permission to publish it online, sure. You can simply upload it on any file sharing website and send us the link. God bless.

  126. Cam says:

    Good day,

    If it is possible would you recommend a comprehensive book on Traditional Catholic Mystical Theology from the long list of books you have available through your very helpful website? Thank you, and I will pray for you in my daily Mass intentions and prayers. Please pray for the diocese of Syracuse NY, and for me.
    In Jesus and Mary,

  127. José says:

    Buenos días,quería saber si se puede conseguir en pdf la obra del P. Luis de la Puente: “Tratado de la perfección del cristiano en todos los estados” Un millón de gracias por el sitio. Les aseguro tenerlos especialmente en mis oraciones

  128. Shane says:

    Can you find me a catechism commentary of the CCC or catechism of that sort so that I can teach my 6 yrs old brother the faith?
    Also, I don’t know how to use the search function could you help me with that

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment. It’s great that you wish to teach your little brother the faith! On this page, in the section “Catholic Bible, Catechism, Doctrine” you will see several catechism for children (incl. the Baltimore catechism for First Communion, a couple of illustrated catechisms, and several others specifically for children). Have a look at them to see which one suits you and your brother best. The search box is located in the right hand column, above the picture of St. Philomena. An alternative way to search, on any particular page, is to press CTRL + F, which will bring up a search box where you can write in the word(s) – i.e. title or author. All matches will be brought up and highlighted. God bless.

  129. Michael S. says:

    I am looking for a Traditional Catholic Tridentine rite mass that I can follow daily online. Please point me in the right direction. Thank you and God Bless.

  130. Vishal Tirkey says:

    Praise be to Jesus Christ.

    Can anyone suggest a book for meditation i.e a book which has meditation especially on virtues and routing out habitual sin. Thanks

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment. Almost any spiritual book can be used for meditation, so it comes down to your personal preferences. The Imitation of Christ is (and has been for centuries) hugely popular as a meditation aid. Writings of saints (such as the meditations and reflexions of St. Alphonsus, for instance) can also be of help. God bless.

  131. John says:

    Can you help me find the code of canon law 1917 in english?

  132. Mrs. Camille Bytnar says:


    God Bless you…May Our Lord richly bless you!

  133. Toni says:


    Thanks for making all the books available to nurture our souls. May your good and hard work be rewarded on earth and in heaven. I am looking to read “the third spiritual alphabet” in English or French, would you know where a free pdf or audio may be available. Thank you!

  134. Louie D. Hussey says:

    Dear editor,

    I have studied the divine prophecies and revelations for years and have understood them and am compiling them into a non-redundant, chronological story of God’s plan for the Apocalypse, the Last Centuries of Man upon the Earth. I am hoping to complete it and get it out before the end of the year. I have a summary of it that contains a warning that needs to go out now: the Great Chastisement of God, which has been repeatedly postponed, will begin next year, it will be the greatest punishment from God since the Great Flood of Noah, and few people will survive it. Next year President Trump will die in office, a second civil war will begin in America, and then the Third World War will begin oversees.

    God wanted it known before the Great Events begin because when they begin the chaos and destruction may make it impossible to get the word out. People need to prepare now, for those who are prepared have a better chance of surviving. Will you post a summary overview that I have written of what is coming? I would upload it in PDF form for anyone to download for free from your site.

    Yous in Christ, Louie D. Hussey

  135. David says:

    Hello! Do you happen to know of any good sources for Polish books? I’m looking to find some books for my parents.


  136. A. García says:

    Buen día!
    ¿Tiene un correo electrónico al que pueda escribirle?
    Quisiera hacerle una consulta.

  137. Michael says:

    May the peace of the Eucharistic Jesus be with you.

    Would you happen to know how to get a copy of St. Leonard’s Way of the Cross by St. Leonard of Port Maurice? It is very difficult to locate a copy. Your help would be appreciated.

  138. Was in seminary(Divine Word Missionaries)…looking for prayer book of 60’s (Founder Arnold Janssen); and as Novices Ways of Perfection by A Rodrequiez

  139. Can you please add “My Free Catechism” in your list of traditional books? You can view and download it from

    The book is not in the public domain, but it is FREE to copy and share.

  140. Beth Marcello says:

    I am looking for the 4 volumes of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerick if you could post this book or direct me to it. Thank you.

  141. Nando Sanchez says:

    Hi WebMaster! I have a book called “Viaje a Lourdes”, from Alexis Carrel, and I would like to share it with you all, so you can include it in the Spanish book list. How can we accomplish that?

  142. Sheila M Patterson says:

    I am trying to get access to a book called, “The School of Darkness,” however, upon clicking the link, it sends me to a new page stating: “Error 404 Not Found and to contact the website owner.”

  143. MF says:

    I was looking into statistical information regarding the number of priest that left the church after Vatican Council II and the following site came up :” but when i clicked on the link it stated the following: Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress. Is the site listed above related to your site? if so how may i tap into the statistical info?
    thank you

  144. Fred Mallaire says:

    I have an old book out of Print “the Great Flaming Furnace of the Sacred Heart”
    I have it in PDF and can upload it for someone to look at the book.
    The book was found years ago amongst my mom’s belongings when she passed away.
    A friend of mine, a business man, went back to the place the book originated and found that the publishing place no longer existed.
    My Friend talked to an elderly Priest near the location and then saying the Tridentine/ Latin/ Extraordinary form Mass who coincidently new the young lady who lived in the 1950s that our Lord spoke to and asked of her to make her whole life in joys and sorrows acts of reparation for the Priests who strayed from our Master’s embrace, and this elderly Priest verified the holiness and stability of the young lady. The book develops a close relationship that our Master wants for all of us and leaves one with the absolute knowledge that our Jesus will never leave us alone unless we deliberately drive our Lord away.
    This Priest who communicated the veracity of the book has more then a few years ago gone on to our Lord.

  145. Angélica Amézcua says:

    Buen día,

    Antes que nada quisiera agradecer por este apostolado que nos facilita el acceso a la buena literatura. Quisiera también preguntar si puede recomendarme algún libro en específico sobre la educación de hijos varones (puede ser en inglés, si no existiera la versión en español).
    De antemano muchas gracias.

  146. Robert Foster says:

    Are you or your readers able to locate a book written by Abbot Paul Combe pub 1906 titled The Secret of Melanie and the Actual Crisis.

    I’ve tried the Way back machine but it is not there.

    I hope you might have contacts who can source it?

    Many thanks

    From One Poor Sinner to Another!

    • T C says:

      Thank you for your comment. I haven’t been able to find the book itself, only articles that seem to refer to it and seem to reproduce parts of it. Perhaps someone else can help… God bless you.

  147. Kal says:

    Would you please be able to upload a PDF version of the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul if possible? Thank you and God bless.

  148. Sr. Mary Germaine says:

    Wonderful source! Safari can’t find server for Muller”s “The Holy Rosary”–can you help?

  149. Stephen Arabadjis says:

    To whom it may concern,
    My name is Fr. Stephen Arabadjis.  I am a member of the Society of St. Pius X.  But I am in my 7th year of Sabbatical.Therefore I was hoping your group could do a 54 day rosary novena for my intentions.  But any prayers and sacrifices would be greatly appreciated.  I know Our Lady will reward you generously for this.
    In Our Lady,
    Fr. Arabadjis
    P.S. Thanking you in advance, since I don’t always get all my communications.

  150. Filia Dei says:

    God Bless You All for creating this free absolute treasure trove of books to share! Thank You & I look forward to sharing it with my friends as well.

    For anyone who wants more than the “modern” Catholic Mass, look up the FSSP or SSPX to find a (Pre-Vatican 2) TRADITIONAL Latin Mass from priests who only use the old Mass prayers (along with the ancient rites & minor exorcisms within)… It provides more protection, and it seems that along with myself millions of other Catholics are finding this to be what we we reverently refer to as a COMPLETE MASS, without all the sad deletions from Vatican II.

    My entire spiritual growth has skyrocketed since March 2020, and I thank Jesus for leading me to both FSSP & SSPX churches (Both offer Traditional Mass & values).

    May Christ strengthen & protect us all, as we have entered the beginning of the End Times. Remember to FOCUS on JESUS & NOT the STORM around Us.

  151. MAC says:

    Thank you for this site. I hope you can help. I could not find the title “Paul. The Apostle” by Giuseppe Ricciotti and other books of the same author.

  152. Jess says:

    Just reporting a broken link to website manager:

    “The Church’s Year: Explanation of the Epistles and Gospels (Fr. Leonhard Goffine)”
    When I click on the title, it goes to a dead page. Other links for kindle and pdf format work.

    Thank you for mantaining this website. It has been a real blessing to so many.

  153. Sheila Coughlin says:

    Hello. I am trying to download Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott and I cannot obtain the file to download or to read. Would it be possible for you to guide me as to how to download the file or access it to read?

    • T C says:

      If you click on the “pdf” you should be able to download it to your computer. It’s a very large file so may take some time. God bless.

  154. Skip Rivers says:

    I am looking for the prayer in latin for absolution after a person has confessed and offered the prayer of contrition. Have been able to find and would appreciate any help you could provide.

  155. Chad says:

    Hello, Do you have anything in English on the life or writings of Blessed Stephana Quinzani? Thanks!

  156. Marcelo says:

    Sermones de las Almas del Purgatorio (J. Bro) – pdf

    Necesito descargar este libro y no me lo permite, podrías por favor ayudarme , es muy importante para mi.

  157. David Birch says:

    New Book Announcement

    Professor David Ian Birch B.A (Hons) D.Phil.

    Praying in Latin has been part of Catholic life for almost 2,000 years. Each Latin prayer, whether prayed in public worship, or in private contemplation, is saturated with the very rich history of the Catholic Church. The place of Latin prayer thus forms an intrinsic part of the deep and extensive patrimony that is Catholic Tradition. Latin Prayer. Aspects of Language and Catholic Spirituality offers a grammar of prayer, with a linguist’s eye for language, and with a Catholic heart for the numinous, which, linguistically and spiritually, is steeped in this patrimony and Tradition.

    Over 13 detailed chapters, exploring a wide range of grammatical, linguistic and stylistic features of Latin prayer, and including a very comprehensive bibliography of Liturgical Latin, this book seeks to offer a linguistic means to exploring, and articulating, some of the spiritual depths that lie at the heart of the Latin prayer of the Church.

    This is not a ‘how to learn Latin’ book, nor is it a compendium of Latin prayers, but a sustained meditation on prayer, using both a linguistics and theological/scriptural vocabulary, and written by a now retired academic, who has spent a lifetime, as first medieval and then modern linguist, praying both public and increasingly now, private Latin prayer.

    It is hoped that those who know no Latin will be inspired by this book to learn it, and those who know it, and perhaps some, or all, of the prayers included here, to revisit it, perhaps with renewed eyes and heart. Above all, it is hoped that everyone, regardless of linguistic skills, will, through these pages, acknowledge, and indeed marvel at, the depth of Catholic patrimony and Tradition in Latin prayer, and its power and potency as a still completely relevant way of prayer.

    This is not a call to traditionalist arms; nor a condemnation or critique of contemporary post-Vatican II vernacular Catholicism, but an embrace of the prayer of the Church across its entire history, regardless of how parts of that history may now be viewed.

    Available in paperback and as an e-book at; online bookstores or please support your local bookshop by ordering it with its ISBN- 978-0-6454193-0-6
    All royalties from this book will be donated in full to the Monks of Notre Dame Priory, Colebrook, Tasmania, Australia:

  158. Ron McGuire says:

    TC, thank you for offering these wonderful books for everyone to enjoy. We have thousands of old Traditional Catholic books in our barn and elsewhere. We were selling them for a time, years ago, but haven’t for several years. I absolutely love what you are doing here to share the electronic versions with the world, and would like to do the same with ours. I have digitized about 100 of them so far and would like to know if you would like to put them on your site. I can upload them to you. I’ll choose books you don’t have, or I can give you a list, and you may know of some you have that are not in very good condition.
    God Bless you for all that you are doing and let me know if you are interested in these books that we have.
    Please respond to my email, and not just here, because I might miss this message.

  159. Anne says:

    Couldn’t you kindly tell me if there are any traditional adult education/faith sharing/Bible study live on Zoom in which participants can raise questions and foster fellowship, in English?

    My Novus Ordo “friends” don’t approve my attending SSPX Mass, and I feel alone in a non English-speaking country.

    Here SSPX rents a community center and have three Masses consecutively, and there is no time and physical space for the faithful to talk to the presiding priest or socialise with other faithful.

    If you could help, it would be much appreciated.

    • T C says:

      I’m afraid I don’t know of any such space/group online. Perhaps your visiting priest could help with some suggestion? Or you could try to ask in the comments of some of the traditional Catholic Youtube channels that have larger audience. God bless you.

  160. william gallagher says:

    do you have available the Sunday Mass Booklets, either a standard one which applies to all Sundays of the year, without the daily readings, or one for the Sunday 14/08/2022 and Sunday 21/08/2022 with the daily readings

  161. Juliana Falconieri says:

    Currently I am using Novus Ordo Christian Prayer (modern version of Divine Office) and am wondering if you could direct me to the Traditional Catholic Divine Office with feast day of saints.
    I thank you and God bless!

  162. Petra says:

    Buenos días.

    Estoy buscando en pdf el libro “El sentido cristiano de la historia” de Dom Guéranger. Puede ser en francés también: “Jésus-Christ, Roi de l’histoire”.

    Muchas gracias por todos los libros de esta página. He bajado muchísimos y toda la familia los disfruta.

    Cordiales saludos.


  163. Lupe Soto says:

    I currently have the Douay-Rheims Bible, in English.
    I am looking to purchase copies of the Douay-Rheims Bible, in Spanish.
    I don’t know if they were ever published in Spanish.
    If it has never been published in Spanish perhaps there is an accurate equivalent to the Douay-Rheims Bible that I can purchase.

  164. Jacqueline Tucek says:

    I am having trouble finding a book with the whole script of what the priest says to bless water before Vatican II. Will it show each time the priest makes the Sign of the Cross. I heard that the priest makes the Sign of the Cross eleven times during the blessing. I also heard that blessed water prior to Vatican II can take away venial sins each time a person blesses himself with the blessed water. Sadly I learned that today’s blessed water does not take away venial sins. I think one of the books on your website would have what I am looking for. Sincerely, Jacqueline Tucek

  165. Stephen says:

    Hello and peace be with you!

    I would like to share with you:

    “Five sample intentions for the 5 decades of the Holy Rosary in reparation to the Holy Eucharist”.

    A Catholic Bishop wrote to me recently and thanked me for the information on where to find the intentions and asked that I continue telling others about them. I sincerely hope you and others like the intentions. Other intentions can be added to these:

    1) In reparation for desecrated Hosts…

    2) In reparation for sacrilegious receptions of the Holy Eucharist…

    3) In reparation for unbelief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, especially among Catholics…

    4) In reparation for lukewarm receptions of the Holy Eucharist…

    5) In reparation for all of my sins and those of the whole world, for a great resurgence of belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, and for a great increase of love for Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

    Fr. Lawrence Lew O.P., Rector of the Rosary Shrine of London and Promoter General of the Holy Rosary recently emailed me to assure that he would be adding these intentions to the Rosary Processions at the shrine.

    Go to:

    Then go to “Reparations” and scroll down. This website can be read in over 100 languages.


  166. tony says:

    Greetings in Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
    Thank you the library . I am trying to find a Roman Ritual in English -blessing Holy Water, etc, the old form if possible.. If you could suggest a search term… as everything I try goes nowhere.



  168. Peter O says:

    Blessings on the good job you are doing. I was wondering if there is a link to the Moral Theology text by Karl Peschke that I could use, please? Thank you

  169. Laura Salazar Josefina Salazar says:

    Hola Buenas días, yo tengo un Libro muy hermoso que escribí inspirada en el Espíritu Santo que se llama “La Oración Contemplativa y su Relación con la Comunión con Dios”. Me gustaría saber si se puede publicar aquí. No me interesan regalías, solo que llegue la luz a las almas. Soy de México

  170. Ana says:

    I am looking books about the Byzantine and Melkite rite, can you tell me please if there is some good material about this?

    • T C says:

      Apologies for the delay. You can search for those terms in, there are a lot of books but I’m not familiar with them. God bless.

  171. John Smith says:

    Looking for Osuna’s Third Spiritual Alphabet.

  172. John Smith says:

    I’d also like to find Laredo’s Ascent of Mt. Sion.

  173. Lira Puebla says:

    Dear administrator of this fabulous website. As te Internet Archive and Way Back Machine has been currently blocked access, some links to the books are not accesible.

    Just in case you want to add an alternative access to the book
    “The Lily of Mary: Bernadette of Lourdes, the Venerable Sister Mary Bernard, nun of the congregation of the Sisters of charity of Nevers, France; a short life of Bernadette of Lourdes”

    Here is the link to the pdf

  174. Newell Barrett says:

    Your search doesn’t seem to function,
    do you have The Mystical Body of Christ and the reorganization of society by Father Fahey?

  175. Mr. Bobby Philip Leon Gbee says:

    This website benefits me a lot.

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